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Background Verification

"The annual cost of fraud to US organizations is approximately $1 trillion. Under-21s told 29% more lies on job applications this year than the previous year."

While you hire an employee, you have to ensure that the person has a clean record, to avoid complications later. The dangers of hiring employees with inaccurate education or employment data are huge. Not only that, you would also want to know whether the person is not disclosing some critical information that is vital to his getting a job in your organisation. Businesses deal with a lot of confidential information and hiring one wrong person can severely damage your reputation and prospects. In fact, the Federal Trade and Federal Communications Commission mandate that every organisation secure their business and clients from fraud. At GAIA ITES we understand the seriousness of "Clean employee records" and we conduct thorough checks to ensure that the information provided on the job application is factual.

GAIA ITES provides verification services to several aviation services organisations across the globe. The verification requirements of the aviation industry are very stringent. Due to the security risks involved, there is very slim margin of error and we have been handling this successfully for several years. Some of our services for the aviation sector are:

  • Verification of all present and past employment, school & college and periods of unemployment activities for the last 10 years.
  • Updating the client system with the verification reports and sending periodic status updates (complete, partially complete or failed verifications).
  • We adhere to strict SLA's as all verifications have to be completed within a given time frame.
  • This is a very critical process as it involves people passing FBI and US Customs clearance based on our work. Providing this service for over a decade is a matter of great comfort for our clients and showcases our process maturity!

This is a very critical process as it involves people passing FBI and US Customs clearance based on our work. Providing this service for over a decade is a matter of great comfort for our clients and showcases our process maturity!

GAIA ITES Advantage:

  • GAIA ITES, with its verification domain experts, offers a guarantee of thorough customer screening and authentic verification process. We have access to all relevant verification databases to carry out thorough checks.
  • GAIA ITES offers you a 'security guarantee' with an ISO 27001 and PCI compliance certification. You can now rest assured that your customers' data is safe with us, protected by the latest, tamper-proof technology. We guarantee you our highest level of security.
  • Our effective back office support provides real-time assistance in comparing the background information with corresponding documentation.
  • At GAIA ITES, information is documented according to standard specifications, and reports are generated at regular intervals for your review, all this in compliance with the regulatory procedures set by the FTC, FCC, PUC, PSC, and state-level agencies.

Services Provided:

GAIA ITES provides verification services in the following areas:

  • Pre and Post employment verification
  • Professional Reference Check
  • Education Verification
  • Address Verification
  • CV Validation
  • Database Verification

GAIA ITES helps you to verify the candidates for your business and ensures that your data is secure at all times.